Mid-America Theatre Conference
- Immediate-Past President (2020-present)
- President (2019, 2020)
- Convener/Organizer, Theatre Summit (international gathering of presidents of theatre, dance, and performance organizations, 2020)
- Chair, Fundraising and Financial Planning Committee (2020-present)
- Liaison/Member, Inter-Organization Open Access Publishing Task Force, see resulting white paper here (2020)
- Chair, Search for Theatre History Studies Editor (2020-present)
- Chair, Curated Panels Committee (planning for 2021 virtual event)
- President-Elect (2017, 2018)
- Conference Planner (2015, 2016)
- Associate Conference Planner (2013, 2014)
- Executive Committee Member (2013-present)
- Co-Chair, Theatre History Symposium (2011, 2012)
American Theatre & Drama Society
- Executive Board Member, elected for two terms (2011-2019)
- Member, Financial Planning Committee (2017-2018)
- Member, Planning Committee, Pre-Conference for Faculty Professional Development (2015)
- Chair, Planning Committee, Graduate Fellows Pre-conference (2013)
- Mentor, ATDS Graduate Student Mentoring Program (2011-2018)
- Conference Planner for ATDS at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference (2009, 2010)
- Member, Technology and Communications Committee (2009-2010)
- Member, ATDS Experts List (2007-present)
- Emerging Scholars Panel Reviewing Committee Member (2007)
American Society of Theatre Research
- Member, Gerald Kahan Prize Committee for best essay published by an emerging scholar (2017, 2018; Chair in 2019)
- At-Large Member of the Committee on Conferences, elected (2015-2017)
- Steering Committee Member, American Theatre Archive Project, American Society for Theatre Research and Theatre Library Association (2011-2012)
Editing & Manuscript Review
Peer Reviewer, Temple University Press (2020-present)
Peer Reviewer, Southern Illinois University Press (2016-present)
Peer Reviewer, Routledge Press (2017-present)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of American Drama and Theatre (2013-present)
Book Review Editor, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism (2011-2015)
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of American Drama and Theatre, Theatre History Studies, New England Theatre Journal, Theatre Topics, Theatre/Practice, Theatre Survey (2008-present)
Textbook Reviewer, The Wadsworth Anthology of Drama, 7th Edition; Norton Anthology of Drama; The Bedford Introduction to Drama, 5th Edition; Theatre in Your Life (2007-present)
Outside Reviewer for Tenure Dossiers
Skidmore University
Louisiana State University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Brigham Young University
Additional Service to the Profession
Grants Reviewer, Professional Theatre Category, Florida Division of Cultural Affairs (2016, 2017)
Editor, Articles-in-Progress Session, Mid-America Theatre Conference (2015)
Discussant, “Work/Life Balance,” American Society for Theatre Research, Career Sessions Events (2015)
Graduate Student Paper Competition Judge, Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Theory & Criticism Focus Group (2014)
ATHE Outstanding Article Award Reviewing Committee Member, Association for Theatre in Higher Education (2013)
Invited Speaker, Graduate Student Caucus Career Development Workshop, Association for Theatre in Higher Education (2010, 2011)
Local Support, Professional Development Brown Bag Sessions, American Society for Theatre Research, (2002, 2006)
Member, Local Arrangements Committee, International Federation of Theatre Research/Fédération internationale pour la recherche théâtrale, College Park, Maryland (2005)
Panel Chair, multiple sessions at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, Association of Theatre in Higher Education, and the International Conference on Arts and Humanities between 2006 and present.